From time to time the police would come and stop the chicken fights. But most often they have more important things to do, they know perfectly well that everything will be as it should be. Therefore, the law does not take this issue seriously. Perhaps the local police, who were trying to save his best friend from the chicken war, had not been around for a long time. The main effect of declaring war on the chickens is that the material side must be mobile in the event of an emergency. This requires the removal of some traditional hardware such as a timer. This means that the villagers will not be able to use the large enclosed area called Vantila, which was built to control cockroaches many years ago.
Why are chicken fights so common? First, slot machines or third world bingo games. Good people in the world can be addicted to gambling. In the West, he may want to be sure that the most advanced tools, quota centers, advanced communications, the invisible, the unknown, will pay off in the event of victory. Not so with cockroaches. You don't even have to eat chicken. Since all bets are in cash, he can only play on his own pocket.
Otherwise, the chicken fight is fun. Just as the Romans threw Christians at lions, so there is a crack in the guts. There was an angry crowd. There is a very fast pace. Even if they don't bid, views can be worth the effort. Whether it's only men's sports, there are always women selling snacks to spectators, often with a mobile card or dice nearby. Pulling the handle of a car all day long or filling up bingo cards is very anti-social. Chicken speed is reversed. This is your chance to meet friends, gossip, meet newcomers, spend the whole day. It is also an opportunity to make or lose a lot of money. This is one of the reasons why the government denies the low potential of applicants and losers. I have heard hundreds of stories of locals endangering their beloved chicken farm and losing everything.
religious side
The fight of cockroaches has one aspect - religious, not uncommon among visitors to Bali. Sacrifice is an important aspect of Balinese Hinduism. This is a complex topic that requires a broad and radical review here. The potential function of the donor was communication between humans and "gods". Superheroes are often given coconuts by young masters, emphasizing the beautiful side of life, flowers, fruits, craftsmen, etc., placed in pots of varying complexity. According to the belief that these gods had a high level of physical and emotional care, these sacrifices were often made to holy places or high places.
Theoretically, only three rounds of such a religious war are allowed. However, the usual procedure is to remove the local Wantilan አንዳንድ sometimes during the day. The police will not intervene in this case, as it has religious overtones.
Before the war, there were craftsmen who skillfully tied the sharp metal claws of calves to the legs of chickens. In the past, the sources of damaged cars were raw and the knives were straight and stylish. Today, many locksmiths use pieces of solid industrial saw blades. At previous meetings, someone was engaged in drawing knives and removing nicknames.
The battle of cockroaches itself consists of several words. The most common crown is made from metal pins attached to chicken legs. There is a very special vocabulary that is closely associated with all activities related to chickens and chickens in general. I collected 59 words, including eight words that are rarely used other than chicken fights. For example, there are nineteen unique words to describe the color and texture of chicken feathers.
In addition to the vocabulary list, there are intangible և intangible factors that can determine the outcome of a chicken conflict. Some chickens only have to fight certain chickens on certain days, at certain times of the day, depending on the moon. There are good and bad days for cockroaches and they are determined by the calendar.
There are many pre-match matches before the fight. If there is no chicken fight associated with the opening ceremony, it is usually prepared in the afternoon, after the heat of the day. The host brings the chicken to a special meeting place, a small flexible box made from coconut, palm leaves, or bamboo. Vendors carry their belongings on their heads or on bicycles. The rooms lined up on a platform, their rulers gathered around their waists. The noise was loud, chickens chimed, traders shouted, and people laughed and gossiped. The Balinese are not interested in time, so they often have to wait a long time.
Applications are usually submitted by March before the pre-match. Then the owner, who wants to be like a chicken, enters the arena to find a rival. Often different travelers gathered. After long wanderings and long conversations, they often find adversaries, often time-consuming. The two rulers hugged each other, still holding the birds tightly, letting them look at each other, perhaps quarreling more often. The feathers exploded and the animals rejoiced. The leader then changes birds, placing one bird in his right hand and receiving another in his left hand. Muscular sensation is a test of strength.
Sooner or later they will agree on the size of the game. If the cock is caught by someone other than the owner, this moderator must get the owner's approval, as he may object to the fight. But now it's rare. After three or four pairs of opponents, considered a game set, they are ready to fight.
The next step is to attach the leaves and bodies to the chicken legs. This is usually done by the expert, not the landlord or tenant. The cone is a small metal sword 11-15 cm long from end to end. The blade is as narrow as the tip of a diamond, about one third of its total circumference, with a blunt handle where the blade meets the bird's foot. There are many different stories and traditions. Menopausal women should not see or touch. Some say they can only be strengthened in the darkness of the moon. They could mine coal if it was struck by lightning, and some say only when there was lightning outside. Family members who have recently died should not be affected. And depending on who others are listening to and where they are. The cost of a good incentive can reach 10,000 rubles. There are often many links around the leaflet to install the leaf. Or sometimes the manager has his own motivation. The spores are carried in small wooden or leather sacs, usually containing 6 to 12 pins of various sizes. A suitable size for the chicken is preferred.
The razor is usually attached to the left leg by wrapping a rope around the ankle. This is a very important part of the event. If the knives are loaded correctly, the pipe will be severely damaged. There are many ways to attach a knife by attaching it to a chicken leg in different directions in different directions.
When all the chickens in the first set are ready, the stage is empty and the first match begins. The drivers with the first two chicks meet the birds in the middle of the stage and transfer money from the central bet to one of the judges. These are bets made a few minutes ago. And it's always money without interference. The money is provided by the owner, who usually receives support from family, friends, and the public. The damage could be great. A central bet of 100,000 IDR is not uncommon even in smaller games. And it often happens in battles with very large chickens up to 1 million rubles.
There are always a lot of judges on the forum. But the chief judge is responsible. Must be impeccable, authoritative and have no relationship with any owner, manager or chicken. Words were undoubtedly the law of the arena. If it was painted, honest people wouldn't be fighting the chicken underneath.
Prior to gambling in Indonesia, the court system was complex, often with permanent stadiums, tables, chairs, and all necessary equipment. At present, chicken fights must be subject to police attacks, except for religious games. This makes it impossible to quickly use the unpacked and it is quickly thrown away in a safe place. And now there is usually no special structure. Any space can be used. There are usually no special timers. There are no referees or judges. Items are light as they can be retrieved quickly.
After the first color shout, intended to determine the favorite, he began to shout how much he wanted to bet on the loser. So color shouting is the favorite favorite, and shouting out can support the loser. The goal was to have these two opponents stand in the middle of the stage, which would be difficult to stand on and not too difficult to walk on since the platform was far apart. However, this is done very effectively and easily. There are various names for these features:
10/9 = Beating
5/4 = gas
4/3 = Coca-Cola (with soft, conversational whipping)
3/2 = mourning Tuludo
5/3 = twins
2/1 = correct
5/2 = minutes
5/4 = gas
4/3 = Coca-Cola (with soft, conversational whipping)
3/2 = mourning Tuludo
5/3 = twins
2/1 = correct
5/2 = minutes
And if he had better yelled at Cherry, or maybe cut off his chest, he would have won, although the fight ended in a draw. The first four on the list, the lowest odds, are by far the most popular. Terdok tries to get the longest chances, and the favorite gets the least. Winners usually start around 3/2
Lack of buyers reduces opportunities. Favorites are looking for low shots, otherwise they have to adapt to high moments. Both types of backers indicate the amount of money they want to bet.
Lack of buyers reduces opportunities. Favorites are looking for low shots, otherwise they have to adapt to high moments. Both types of backers indicate the amount of money they want to bet.
Interestingly, the currency of exchange, not the Indonesian rupiah, but the currency of the whole country, was the ringgit many years ago, when Indonesia was still colonized by the Netherlands and abandoned. In Bali, the price in ringgit is not offered, with the exception of the chicken rate, only the ringgit is used. Since there is no currency in ringgit, bets must be paid in rolls, but they are always kept in ringgit. With the exception of the hundreds that choose to be interpreted as ringgit, the number of fingers raised indicates the number of thousands at risk. Regardless of the price, one ring costs 2 1/2 rupees. So two fingers means RM2,000 or IDR 5,000, which is an extra bet when fighting a medium sized rooster.
There is a lot of confusion and noise at this stage of the process. When the bidders shouted, the voices fell silent. Beloved fans screamed in anger at this color. They tremble violently, yell and make signs to get attention.
During the wager, the manager leads the chickens to the center of the field, angrily pushing them, pushing each other, tearing the combs and jumping to the ground. The frustration of betrayal comes as chaos ensues as those who haven't yet been able to agree try to do so at the last minute.
In the past, timers used a special clock called Zing, a half coconut shell with a hole in the bottom, and a dial in a bucket filled with water. Of course, the dive time varies a little from place to place, but it is usually about 10 seconds, which is called a fishing rod. The timer sound is heard once after each song. Three cents are allowed in the middle of the circle. Now the judge is counting the seconds for everyone to hear.
According to the winner, the stakes must be paid. Side bets are paid immediately in cash. In the crowded and crowded arena, those caught in the crowd pick up their tickets and throw them to the winners. If money is lost or found on the platform, it is always transferred to the correct owner. Հակասությունները քիչ են վեճերն ու հակասությունները, թե ով ումինչ էւ
Խ տերը է մբողջ խ որը, որը մրց կ մեն ։։ ։։ ։։ ։։ ։։ ։։ ։։ ։։ ։։ Մշակողին պետք է վճարի մշակողին, խափանողին, տոկո տանն ու բոլորին բոլորին ովքեր ովքեր են կենտրոնական խաղադրույքի իր բաժինը բաժինը բաժինը բաժինը այն տանում նաև պարտվողի մարմինը մարմինը նա կապող մա մա բաժինը բաժինը բաժինը տանում է նաև մարմինը մարմինը մարմինը նա կապող մա մա տալի մատի մատի ով հ էր թելը թելը նորից հետ մ մ մ մ հ թելը թելը:
Խ տևում մի ք րոպե րոպե: երկու մրց մրց նմիջ նմիջ պե մրց մրց Նր դուր բերեցին միջին խ գ գ ր խ խ խ կ կ կ կ կ կ կ
Վ կ դուր են գ գ գ ".
Վ կ դուր են գ գ գ ".
Ժամանակ կանոնավոր անցկացվում է արարողությունների ժամանակ, որոնք են ունենում ընտանեկան տան երբ, երբ է է, որ հողը է պահանջում է որոշակի մաքրում մաքրում մաքրում այդ վայրը դառնա այդ այդ ժամանակներում վայրը նվիրատվություններ, որոնք են են են կոկո կոկո կոկո կոկո շատ վայրը նվիրատվություններ կոչվում կոկո կոկո կոկո վ վ վ գորգերի վ վ, և և և ն է է նր, ով եփ եփ կ թե HI դր դր լուրերը մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի և և և և և և և և և և և և և մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի մուտքի " մուտքի մուտքի դռնից մի և րբություն րբություն կ նր տ 210 մեկ 50 տղ է պ թ ։։ Ընտ ե պրում եմ չեն նույնի նույնի մ չունեն "
Վր մեծ ու փոքր փոքր հ հ կ կ կ կ կ կ
Աքլորակռիվ և մշակույթ
Աքլորակռիվը, աքլորակռիվը և խաղերի վրա խաղադրույքները եղել են սերունդների սիրված բալինյան մոլուցքը: Զբոսաշրջիկը, ով կարող է գաղտագողի մտնել քրտնած, հրում, կոշտ, ժեստիկացիաներ անող տղամարդկանց ամբոխի մեջ և միանալ նրանց՝ կանգնելով բաց ասպարեզի շուրջ, հետևելով գործընթացին, կարող է մտածել՝ արդյոք նա յլ երկիր մտել մտել սր ընկեր ընկեր, հ և ն մ, որոնց տեսնում եք ձեր հյուր: րդյո՞ք ս նույն ով ընծ է բերում տ և եռ ք քլոր քլոր բ ու բ պ հ: բ պ դիտորդները հ են ուշ կենտրոն հենց կ Ամբոխն ինքնին տեսանելի է: Երբ նա հանկարծ հանդարտվեց, և գործողությունը սկսվեց, ներգրավվածության արագ և կատաղի պոռթկումը հանդիսատեսի կողմից նշանավորվեց օհհհհ և ախհհհ: Գույնի և սկզբնական մարտերի տպավորությունը գույնի լղոզվածություն է: և հանկարծ ամեն ինչ ավարտվեց, և զբոսաշրջիկը չկար:
Մեր օրերում սովորական զբոսաշրջիկների համար հեշտ չէ աքլորամարտ գտնելը։ Տարիներ առաջ դրանք սովորական ու առօրյա իրադարձություններ էին։ Բալի այցելուները, ովքեր բավարար հետաքրքրությամբ, ճկունությամբ և ժամանակ ունեն, շատ հետաքրքիր կհամարեն տեղացիներին հարցնել, թե երբ և որտեղ է տեղի ունենալու աքլորակռիվը, որպեսզի նրանք կարողանան ինքնուրույն ուսումնասիրել բալիական մշակույթի այս պատուհանը:
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